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Physical & Occupational Therapy for Special Needs

Special care to help you recover faster

Sometimes challenging conditions arise that simply do not respond to other forms of treatment. In such cases, your doctor may make a referral for physical therapy. Whether vestibular (inner ear) problems have you feeling off balance or you suffer from swelling or excess fluid, our compassionate team of skilled physical and occupational therapists can help.

Special concerns we treat include:

  • Vertigo (dizziness)
  • Vestibular dysfunction
  • Wounds
  • Lymphedema

If you suffer from any chronic or physically limiting condition, ask your doctor if physical or occupational therapy might be right for you. We’ll provide you with a thorough evaluation and assessment, then develop a program suited to your individual needs.

At Thibodeaux, Albro & Touchet Therapy Group, Iowa Therapy Group , SWLA Sports & Rehab Center,  Crowley Therapy Group and X-Cel Therapy Group,  we have helped many people recover from chronic conditions. There’s an excellent chance we can help you, too. Call the location nearest you to schedule your appointment today.

Please visit our Patient Education Library to learn more about Physical & Occupational Therapy.